
Short, introducing:
Find the tempo or BPM of a song or other piece of music with BpmChecker by manually tapping along with the music, using your pc keyboard. Handy and cool tool for DJ's, composers and other music makers. Features automatic missed beat detection, adding of the found bpm to the played file name or even mp3 tag, automatic choosing of the next file in a folder and more.

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For DJ's for instance it is important to know the BPMs of the songs to play. For different BPMs it is usefull to know what song goes faster than the other because that way you'll know what direction (and after some experience by what amount!) you'll have to turn/shift the pitch.
Take at least the time to find the BPMs of your favorites and write them down. Or even better, from version 2.0 onwards no need to write them down anymore if you are using electronic files. Push the add-to-last-played-button after you found the bpm and it will be added to the name itself. Also adding of multiple beat rates to the names is supported.
From version 3.0 onwards there is even the possibility to add the bpm to the song itself, using an ID3 tag in MP3's (ID3v2 standard). Song info like song and title are saved a lot already using ID3 tags and a lot of software (like Winamp) and hardware (mp3-players) do support them. Be prepared for the future as BPM should and will be one of the info items that will be supported too.
You can always, even when going live, determine the speed at which your beats will hit the air. If you have an automatic counter you can use this software as a backup for the case the automatic one fails or when the song has an irregular beat.
Personalize your BPM counter by playing with the background image, moving around the panel and using the transparency feature so that it looks cool for you or people looking over your shoulder.

You can download the shareware-version of the program: get the BPMChecker-icon installer or the ZIP package, both smaller than 0.5MB.
There is also a light version (v2.2) available under the name BpmChecker Light! Get the BPMChecker-icon installer here. This excludes the option of adding the bpm to the file tag.

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Contents of following html-files is also part of the Windows help file:
Contents of zip-file

Short - How it works
Menu items
Tips, tricks and notes

Contact info
Languages (Francais, Deutsch, Nederlands) (translate this site online into several languages like French and Japanese)
Registration info

In BpmChecker 4.0, an editor was added for BPM and some other info of the ID3v2 tag from MP3's.
People who register the program have the right to ask per E-mail 3 free updates as soon as one is available.

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