- Handy tip when making text lists which are 'series': use the fill handle of Excel! For example you want to create customer001, customer002.... up to customer999... then type in customer001 in one cell and customer002 in the cell below, select both and drag the fill handle... then copy all the cells and paste them into Notepad and save this as a txt file to be used in the next step by Txt2fil.... simple and very effective!! You want a file for each day of the year? Start by typing '1 jan' and '2 jan' into Excel... fill handle........Txt2fil.... and in no time your wish is completed. And so on.
- In order to open/view quickly an existing text file, you can use the file menu but you can also double-click on the file, either in the selection or in the source panel.
- Try not to use extremely long file names. A complete path can not be longer than 259 characters... but this includes the file name too! Take this into account when making your text lists.
- It is also a known issue that very long names are sometimes not copied well to CDs or other special media. Avoid using very long (more than 127 characters) file names in these cases!
- If you have a huge text file and it contains a lot of empty lines then do not bother about removing them as Txt2fil will ignore them automatically.
- Click with the right mouse button on the selection panel to create or remove an empty folder.
- In the source and destination edit boxes from the main window you can double-click the text in order to open the source text file or to open the destination folder.
- You can use csv files as source if you first rename them to txt files, check the separator and enter the right separator in the fill options.
- If you want to use variable extensions then simply add the extension to the names in the source file.