
(if you look for a tool that creates folders rather than copy: go here ; or if you want to have backup folders containing empty or dummy files go here ; or if you want to backup folders and files go here)

Short, introducing:
Easy directory copy program to copy folder trees, without the files contained in that folders. You have the option to copy several trees at once, combining them in projects. Projects are saved and can also optionally be re-run to make a synchronizing update. Extended reporting and log-file possibilities.

Not convinced?

It occurs to everyone who has a lot of folders and files: you have a big file tree and you want to create the same tree but then for example for another year or another customer... . Then either you copy the whole thing and remove the files in the copy or you build another tree from scratch. If this happens to occur too much and you get bored... then it's time to try OnlydirCopy!

OnlyDirCopy icon
Preview here (= no download of the program yet)

You can download the shareware-version of the program: get the installer here (from this site) (~400kB) or the ZIP package (~300kB). All include the Windows help file, which is also used in the program.

Contents of following html-files is also part of the Windows help file:
Contents of zip-file

Short - How it works
Creating / editing a Project
Running a project (=COPY)
Working with Explorer
Working with CDs
Log file
Tips, tricks and notes

Contact info
Languages (Francais, Deutsch, Nederlands) (translate this site online into several languages like French and Japanese)
Registration info

Don't spend your valuable time copying huge folder structures manually but take the time once to register!
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