- Advantages
- It does not backup items which did not change since last backup. This can lead to big time profits, making backups with short time interval (daily or less) possible. The bigger your files the more time you can win.
- It cleans (removes) those items in the backup, which were cleaned in the source.
- Easy to find back a file in the backup using Windows Explorer, as file and directory structure in backup is similar to the source.
- It can backup to several kinds of drives like Zip, Yazz and (with the help of external software) even to CDs and DVDs.
- You can select both files as directories as source items
- Copy from several source drives to one disk possible. Eg backup from c:\documents and d:\documents to e:\.
- Nesting protection included to avoid backups with infinite duration.
- Special write protection included to avoid writing to other than specified drive.
- You can make as many backup jobs (projects) as you want.
- Empty space on backup disks can still be used for other goals than "SmartDirCopies".
- Report functions help you see what happens during backup.
- Built-in protection against errors concerning incompatibily with CDs.
- The built-in 24h timer can help you automize your backups.
- Updating a backup by re-running a project goes very fast.
- Very advanced users (system people...) can learn from the desktop functionalities in order to get things even more automized.
- Disadvantages
- There are limitations to the unregistered version. Up to about 5 items and a total of about 50MB selected size per normal project are allowed. Synchronized projects contain only 1 item in both unregistered and registered version; the unregistered version has a limit of about 20MB for these synchronizations. To get rid of this limitations go to the registration section. Registered version allows more than 1000 items and more than 1 billion GB for each project.
- Impossible to spread one backup job over several disks. You must make several backup jobs to solve this problem.
- The full 100% of a backup disk won't be used. At least take into account a loss of some percents.
- Writing to CDs/DVDs requires the right CD-software like DirectCD, not included in this program.
- If source items are selected which are system, hidden, or readonly files or directories, then they will all become normal, viewable and writable work files in the backup. If you restore such files you must restore manually these attributes if you feel it is necessary.
- Some external programs can possibly avoid read access to some work files. If so, then close file and/or the program.
See also Tips, tricks and notes